Tax Assessment Process
Our lawyers assist business owners and property owners facing tax assessments. The clients who usually contact us have often received assessment notices and have 60 days to file a petition. Failure to contest an assessment within 60 days can mean that the tax assessment will become final. Failure to pay the assessed taxes may result in the state turning your case over to the attorney general for collection.
We Can Represent You Through The Ohio Tax Assessment Process
If you are reading this in time to take action, here is the process:
- Contact us to learn how we can help you request a review of your tax assessment.
- We can explain, on your behalf, to the agent why your tax assessment is not appropriate — normally, this means you believe it is too high.
- We can represent you as you file an internal appeal and prepare to state your case at an informal hearing.
- Your attorney can present documentation and other evidence that taxation was too high.
- After a second review, a final determination will be issued. Even at that point, you can appeal to the Board of Tax Appeals. Ultimately, your case may go to the Supreme Court of Ohio.
- A desirable end result may mean that you will be issued a refund for over taxation.
Very few law firms in Ohio have the same level of experience that our attorneys have in working with the Attorney General’s Office throughout a tax assessment process. We welcome the opportunity to explain how we can put our knowledge and experience to work for you in regard to a tax assessment process issue.
If you have concerns regarding business and commercial litigation, the tax assessment process or any other referenced practice area, contact Arnold & Clifford LLP. Our lawyers represent clients in the state of Ohio including Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Dayton.
Contact us today at 614-460-1600 or message us through our online contact form.